1. Thou Shalt Commit to Thy Tricks - Go big or go home.
2. Honor Thy Skatepark and Streets - Keep thy holy grounds clean.
3. Keep Holy the Skateshops - Support thy temple of gear.
4. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Skateboard - Earn thy own righteous setup.
5. Remember the Rest Day to Keep It Holy - On the seventh day, Steezus chilled.
6. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Fellow Skaters - Speak only the truth of the streets.
7. Thou Shalt Not Commit Scootery - For it is the path of the fallen, and no redemption lies in its wake.
8. Thou Shalt Help Newcomers - Once thou were a scrub amongst the saints.
9. Thou Shalt Film with Respect - A sloppy clip is a sin most foul.
10. Thou Shalt Preach the Gospel of Grip Tape - Convert the non-believers and the scootering heathens.